25/09/09: Well today was a massive surprise, I only expected the bottom storey bricks to be finished, which they were. The surprise being that all upstairs has been completely plastered. I knew that it was going to happen soon, but I thought that it would be happening next week.
It seems like a strange way to do it, upstairs plastering being completed before the bricks and before the downstairs plastering, but my SS told me that this is the way it's done. I'm extremely happy about this, but a little upset as well as I have just picked up some speaker cable to run through the walls in the upstairs TV room. I'm going up there tomorrow to do it, I don't think I'll be able to do it now. Oh well, I guess I'll only have to do the theatre room.
I can't wait to go up there tomorrow and walk around, it will feel like a real house.
I need to throw in another comparison to go with the one I posted two days ago regarding the Plantation blog I'm following. It took them 61 days to progress from the slab until the first bit of plaster, Coral have taken only 25 days. I'm not worried about this being a bad thing. Coral are taking the same amount of time as Plantation to do each individual process. It's just that Coral are doing one or two things at the same time whereas Plantation are taking around three days between each process.
I'm just a little worried that things will stop soon as my SS is away on holidays for one week as of today, I hope this won't hold things up too much.
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