Sunday, November 29, 2009

First coat of paint

29/11/09: Well today was a bit of a surprise, the whole house has had its first coat of paint. When I spoke to the painter on Friday morning he suggested we paint the house with half strength whitebox quarter. He then told us to go up and have a look on at the house on Sunday as he should have some of the colour completed. He told us that if we weren’t happy with the half strength whitebox quarter he would get it retinted on Monday for the second coat.

The first time we walked into the house the paint fumes were so strong that our eyes were watering and it was hard to breathe. We did a quick dash around the house then got out quickly so we could breathe some fresh air. We weren’t 100% sure with the colour at first, we though it might need to be darker. I called my mum to get her to come up for her opinion, since she was an hour away we went for a shop and had a discussion about the paint.

Once we returned to the house for our second look the paint fumes didn't seem to be as strong. We both had warmed to the colour, thinking that it would be dark enough. This is because we want the paint to be a small feature of the house, not to over power everything else. We asked what my mother had to say about the paint, she said it was exactly what she expected it to look like. As we had taken her to the display house we borrowed the colours from and she hadn’t been involved with all the trouble and dramas to get the paint on the wall this was a bit of a relief.

I hope you all enjoy the mega pic fest I have included below, let me know what you all think.


Laundry From Garage

Laundry Towards Garage

Entry Feature Wall


Dining Room

Piano/Christmas Room

Theatre Room

Family Room


Upstairs TV Room

Upstairs Cupboard

Main Bedroom

Dressing Room/Walk-in Wardrobe

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